Calvary Lutheran Congregational Council Members

Iglesia Support - Delivering donated food collected during Lent

Packing food boxes at the Los Osos Community Dinner

Ready for Bible Study!

Neighborhood Food Pantry and Library

Coffee Club at Back Bay, Los Osos now the Nautical Bean

Our 2023 Lenten Project - 883.5 pounds of food collected for Iglesia!

How Can I Get Involved?

For more information:
or phone 805 772-8457

Worship Roles

Ministry Assistants | Contact: Joyce Bauer
Ministry Assistants assist the pastor by reading the scriptures, prayers and assisting with distribution of Communion.

Lay Ministers | Contact: Pastor Brian
Lay Ministers may preach a sermon in the pastor’s absence, and with special training may deliver Communion to those who are unable to attend services.

Altar Guild | Contact: Joyce Bauer
Members of the Altar Guild are responsible for setting up and cleaning up Communion and changing the Altar cloths for each season.

Music Planning | Contact: Pastor Brian
A group meets every 6 weeks with Pastor Brian to select the music for future services.

Flower Coordinator | Contact: Cindy Haener
The flower coordinator ensures that there are flowers placed at the Altar each Sunday. Flowers may be dedicated to loved ones.

Technical Assistance | Contact: Janet Lorenzo
This person live streams the service on Facebook and posts the recording on the website.

Bulletins | Contact: Janet Lorenzo
Each week the bulletin is formatted, proof read and printed.

Greeter | Contact: Nancy Padilla
When visitors come to a service they are greeted warmly and welcomed and invited to the after service fellowship.

Offering Counters | Contact: Sandy McMillan
Two people are needed each week to count and record offering.

Worship With Music | Contact: Pastor Brian
Calvary worships with a blend of traditional and contemporary music. If you play an instrument or would like to sing, please be sure to contact Pastor Brian.


After Church Fellowship Hour | Contact: Janet Lorenzo
Members and visitors enjoy coffee and tasty refreshments after the service. On the last Sunday of the month there is either a brunch provided alternately by two teams, or a congregational potluck. Decorators and menu planners are always welcome.

Church Business

Council | Contact: Gail Brochtrup
Calvary has an active and dedicated Council that meets once a month in the Fellowship Hall on the second Thursday of the month. The Council provides general oversight of the life and activities of the congregation, including approving the budget, planning future events, calling a new pastor when needed, approving amendments to the constitution and managing staffing issues.

Endowment Fund Committee | Contact: Sandy McMillan
The Endowment Fund Committee meets quarterly and makes recommendations to the Council on actions to take in regards to Calvary's Endowment Funds. Members are selected and voted on in the Annual Meeting each year.

Newsletter Crew | Contact: Janet Lorenzo
The newsletter is published the first of each month. In addition to the regular reports on church business, events of the previous month and upcoming activities, contributions and photos are always welcome. The newsletter crew is responsible for contributing articles as well as proof reading the final copy.


Caring Callers and Cards | Contact: Nancy Padilla
This dedicated group identifies members and friends who are in need of contact by sending a card or calling. There is also a prayer chain that is communicated by email for those who wish to pray for those with special or urgent needs.

Outreach Committee | Contact: Janet Lorenzo
The Outreach Committee meets quarterly on the third Wednesday of the month in the Fellowship Hall at 1:45. This creative and energetic group assists the Council under direction of the Pastor by planning activities to reach out to the community, provide community service and planning events to bring the congregation together.

Community Dinners | Contact: Nancy Padilla
Calvary members cook and/or serve at two Community Dinners on alternating months, one in Morro Bay on the second Monday at 4:00, and one in Los Osos on the fourth Thursday at 4:15.  Food is provided for volunteers to cook and deliver to the dinners.  These dinners are open to everyone in the community but often mostly feed the food insecure.

Iglesia Luterana Santa Cruz | Contact: Nancy Padilla
Iglesia began it’s Hispanic mission outreach in 2002 and benefits from support of congregations in the ELCA. Generous Calvary members donate and deliver food, hygiene products and other needed items. In addition to donations delivered year-round, several children from Iglesia are “adopted” at Christmas time during the Operation Christmas Angel program. Those who wish to participate select a child in need and provide Christmas gifts for them. Click here to visit Iglesia's website!

Food Pantry/Library | Contact: Janet Lorenzo
Calvary’s Outreach Committee provided funds to build a library structure to be placed on the corner of the parsonage, across the street from the church. During the months of Covid shut downs it became apparent that many of our neighbors were in need of food. It was decided to turn the biggest section of the library structure into a food pantry. The pantry is routinely emptied, and routinely filled again by donations from neighbors and Calvary members. A bench has recently been added next to the structure. Memorial plaques were sold to those who wished to remember a loved one by dedicating a plaque in their name on the bench.

Coffee Club | Contact: Nancy Padilla
Coffee club meets on the first Monday and the third Friday of each month at 9:00 at various local coffee shops. The goal is to gather for informal fellowship and to support local businesses. This lively group always welcomes new people with lighthearted conversation and lots of laughter. If you would like to join this group be sure to contact Nancy so she can send you an email reminder.

Meal Preparation and Delivery | Contact: Janet Lorenzo
If you, or someone you know is temporarily home bound due to illness or surgery, meals will be prepared and delivered by Calvary volunteers.


Sunday School | Contact: Nancy Koppl
Children are welcome at Calvary and enjoy a Children’s Conversation during the first half of the service. During the last half of the service, children are invited to participate in “Creation Station”, which involves a Bible story and table art activity.

Bible Study | Contact: Pastor Brian
Bible Study group meets every Wednesday at 10:00 in the Fellowship Hall. This group slowly and thoughtfully work their way through the books of the Bible. During this close-knit meeting time people are encouraged to check in with each other and pray for special needs and thanks.

What It Means to be a Lutheran | Contact: Pastor Brian
This class is offered periodically for new members and current members who need a refresher course in Lutheranism.

Special Events | Contact: Janet Lorenzo
Calvary hosts special events including funeral receptions and seasonal celebrations.